Tuesday, January 25, 2011

So Much Information!

Yet another great link provided by Dr. Peel! [Thank You!]

ENGL 5562: Victorian Literature

There are so many great categories of links on this site, which I've listed below. I think this will be really helpful, not only for our projects but also for understanding exactly who the authors of the Victorian era were.

Categories of Links:
Bibliographies for Victorian Studies
Writing, Documentation & Research Tools
Literary Background & Criticism
Electric Texts
Libraries, Archives & Museums
General Nineteenth Century Background
Victorian Geographies & Demographics
Science & Nature
Queen Victoria
Victorian Periodicals
Victorian Publishing & Print Culture
Photography & Cinema
Urban Lives
Crime & Punishment
Medicine & Psychology
Religion & Philosophy
Death & Mourning Customs
Spiritualism & "Pseudo-Science"
Working Lives
Industry & Technology
Women & the Domestic Sphere
Clothing & Fashion
Childhood & Children's Literature
Individual Authors

[Victorian Literature]

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