Monday, January 24, 2011

"Helpful Links" List

Since there are so many great links out there, I decided to put a list of helpful links on the sidebar (mainly the ones we've found, so we don't have to search through blog posts).

Check them out


[Victorian Literature]


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Weird that my post was deleted...

    But thanks for all of the great links! It's helped my own research for our presentations.

    By the way, just as a follow-up to our conversation in the hall, the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago (which is part of my research) was erected for the World's Fair in 1893 and was originally named the Palace of Fine Arts. Just some interesting food for thought!

  3. I promise I didn't remove it. lol I don't know what happened? Strange?! I'm so glad you are finding everything helpful :)

    That is so interesting (haha). I'm wondering if there is a weird connection. I found out that a similar glass palace was built in New York, I believe 1853, and it burned down just like the Sydenham one. Is it a sign??


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